This is the complete list of members for tapjoy::Tapjoy, including all inherited members.
actionComplete(const char *actionID) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
addUserTag(const char *tag) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
awardCurrency(int amount, TJAwardCurrencyListener *listener) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
belowConsentAge(bool isBelowConsentAge) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
clearUserTags() | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
connect(const char *sdkKey, TJConnectListener *listener=NULL) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
endSession() | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
getCurrencyBalance(TJGetCurrencyBalanceListener *listener) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
getCurrencyMultiplier() | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
getLibraryName() | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
getVersion() | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
isConnected() | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
removeUserTag(const char *tag) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setAppDataVersion(const char *dataVersion) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setCurrencyMultiplier(float multiplier) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setDebugEnabled(bool enable) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setEarnedCurrencyListener(TJEarnedCurrencyListener *listener) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setUserCohortVariable(int variableIndex, const char *value) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setUserConsent(const char *value) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setUserFriendCount(int friendCount) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setUserID(const char *userID) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setUserLevel(int userLevel) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
setVideoListener(TJVideoListener *listener) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
spendCurrency(int amount, TJSpendCurrencyListener *listener) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
startSession() | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
subjectToGDPR(bool gdprApplicable) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *name) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *name, int64_t value) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *category, const char *name, int64_t value) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *category, const char *name, const char *parameter1, const char *parameter2) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *category, const char *name, const char *parameter1, const char *parameter2, int64_t value) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *category, const char *name, const char *parameter1, const char *parameter2, const char *valueName, int64_t value) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *category, const char *name, const char *parameter1, const char *parameter2, const char *value1Name, int64_t value1, const char *value2Name, int64_t value2) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackEvent(const char *category, const char *name, const char *parameter1, const char *parameter2, const char *value1Name, int64_t value1, const char *value2Name, int64_t value2, const char *value3Name, int64_t value3) (defined in tapjoy::Tapjoy) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |
trackPurchase(const char *productId, const char *currencyCode, double price, const char *campaignId) | tapjoy::Tapjoy | static |